Eltern | Großeltern | Urgroßeltern | Ur-Urgroßeltern |
Babbacombe Whistle Down the Wind; zur Zucht empfohlen; HD A |
Nl., Dt.Ch.Club & VDH; Weltsieger 1991 Charncroft Caleb Gildenmede Goodknight Girl |
Charncroft Cloverglen Charncroft Copper Surprise Moonhill Knight of the Stars Ch. Gildenmede Ghiselle |
Ch. Wellknowe Crofter Charncroft Casique Charncroft Crispian Charncroft Chantress Ch. Scapafield Starry Knight at Sunnyvale Ch. Moonhill's Coming up Roses Ch. Potterdale Philosopher Binbusy Dilettante of Gildenmede |
Bonny from Bartenwetzer Forest; zur Zucht empfohlen; HD A |
Sergeant Pepper's Everybody's Sunshine Ariane vom Goldenen Vlies |
Cliff of Pahari Sergeant Pepper's Classic Peppermint Paddy Sergeant Pepper's Asterix Colette-Blue von der Almrose |
Ch. Birchwood What the Dickens Ch. Sunbree Special Moments of Pahari Ch. Brambledale Black Clyde Ch. Farah of Wild Garden Ch. Oliver Black of Tambora Ch. Farah of Wild Garden Quint-Blue vom Michaelis-Turm Sheila-Blue vom Michaelis-Turm |