Ahnentafel: Brown Brendan from Peers of Miner's Lake, braun-weiß

Eltern Großeltern Urgroßeltern Ur-Urgroßeltern
Babbacombe Whistle Down the Wind;
zur Zucht empfohlen;
Nl., Dt.Ch.Club & VDH; Weltsieger 1991 Charncroft Caleb
Gildenmede Goodknight Girl

Charncroft Cloverglen

Charncroft Copper Surprise

Moonhill Knight of the Stars

Ch. Gildenmede Ghiselle

Ch. Wellknowe Crofter
Charncroft Casique

Charncroft Crispian
Charncroft Chantress

Ch. Scapafield Starry Knight at Sunnyvale
Ch. Moonhill's Coming up Roses

Ch. Potterdale Philosopher
Binbusy Dilettante of Gildenmede
Bonny from Bartenwetzer
zur Zucht empfohlen;
Sergeant Pepper's Everybody's Sunshine
Ariane vom Goldenen Vlies
Cliff of Pahari

Sergeant Pepper's Classic Peppermint Paddy

Sergeant Pepper's Asterix

Colette-Blue von der Almrose
Ch. Birchwood What the Dickens
Ch. Sunbree Special Moments of Pahari

Ch. Brambledale Black Clyde
Ch. Farah of Wild Garden

Ch. Oliver Black of Tambora
Ch. Farah of Wild Garden

Quint-Blue vom Michaelis-Turm
Sheila-Blue vom Michaelis-Turm

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