Ahnentafel: Scottsdale Kaleidoscope, braun-weiß

Eltern Großeltern Urgroßeltern Ur-Urgroßeltern
Dt. Jch. Potterdale Confusion;
zur Zucht empfohlen;
Ch. Potterdale Conclusion
Gillaber Caledonia at Potterdale
Potterdale Anderson at Ramsgrove

Ch. Blumberg Hadriana at Potterdale

Ch. Pepperland Lyric John at Potterdale

Ch. Gillaber Highland Lament

Pepperland Andy Panda at Ramsgrove
Ch. Potterdale Prelude

Blumberg de Roos Erasmus
Chloé of Blumberg

Wishanger Buttertubs Pass by Quinbury
Pepperland Pandamonium

Ch. Potterdale Philosopher
Dearbolt Lady Emma

Dt. Jch. Drover's Lane Bittersweet Symphonie
zur Zucht empfohlen
Ch. Potterdale Double Diamond
Ch. Scottsdale Blue Note

Potterdale Anderson at Ramsgrove

Ch. Blumberg Hadriana at Potterdale

Ch. Sammara Midas Touch

Mch. Potterdale Piccadilly

Pepperland Andy Panda at Ramsgrove
Ch. Potterdale Prelude

Blumberg de Roos Erasmus
Chloé of Blumberg

Ch. Potterdale Conclusion
Ch. Desborough Destiny of Sammara

Potterdale Politician
Ch. Potterdale Personality

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